Why You Should Cry When Grieving the Loss of Your Pet
Many people will say they don’t want to cry. They believe crying makes them weak. They don’t want to do it because they want to be strong.
The problem is that crying doesn’t make people weak. Actually, not crying can make you weak. It can eat at your insides, and make it impossible to get through serious problems in your life.
Don’t believe us? Consider the following.
When you cry, your body goes through some serious emotions. You probably know this if you’ve ever been crying so hard it brings you to your knees or into a fetal position. While this may feel like agony at the time, when you’re done with crying – we’re talking about a good, long cry – you likely feel much better. You feel as though you’ve let it all out. You’ve released it all and you have nothing else left.
That’s exactly what you need to do, and that’s what crying is meant to do for your mind, body and soul.
Just think about all of those emotions bottled up inside of you. Just festering day after day. You may cry sometimes, but you never really let it all out. The emotions are just too much, and then they start to bubble over. That doesn’t release anything inside of you – all it does is let go of the emotions that can’t stay inside of you any longer.
When you bottle your emotions up, they will turn into other emotions. For example, some people who don’t deal with their feelings effectively become sad, angry, or overall miserable people. They view life as one bad thing happening after another. These people are never happy and they never get out of their funk. They remain in mourning forever.
We all know people like this, and no one ever wants to be around them or be one of them. Don’t allow yourself to become this way.
It’s time to change the direction you’re headed to as you grieve the loss of your pet. It’s time to let it all out.
You can do this alone or you can do it with a trusted loved one. How you do it and when you do it is up to you. You just need to do it.
How do you get started? Bring out the pictures you have of your beloved pet. Start reminiscing. Smell your pet’s bed if you still have it, or a favorite blanket. Bring yourself closer to your pet who is no longer by your side. Bring the pet you’ve lost back to reality instead of what you’ve done – push him or her to the back of your mind.
Now, let yourself cry. Cry as hard as possible for as long as you can. When you can’t cry anymore, you can go on with your day.
As you feel the urge to cry again, let it all out again. Do not put a lid on it. Just let it all out.
What if the urge comes when you’re not in a place where you can cry? Don’t worry – you can control yourself in not-so-great places to cry. Just be sure to revisit the thoughts you were having later. When you can cry, go ahead and let it out.
As you cry for as long as you can as many times as you can, you will start to find you’ll cry less and less over time. You will find yourself without the urge to cry when you see something that reminds you of your beloved pet. You won’t feel like crying when you see a puppy or kitty that looks like yours. You will be able to appreciate everything around you as it is – just a reminder of one of the best companions in your life.
Go on and cry now. Just let it all out. It may be painful at first, but this will help you become a stronger person. You just have to trust in the process. You just need to believe that there will be a day when you do not cry as hard for as long as you are now for your beloved pet.
When you grieve…we grieve with you. Our condolences for your loss.