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Losing a Pet is Never Easy

When you lose a pet that is close to you, it is one of the hardest things to go through.  It is important to honor and remember your pet just like you would a special person in your life.  This pet was another member of your family and giving him or her the proper burial is part of the grieving process.

Memorials for a Lifetime know what it is like to lose a member of the family and wants to help you through the grieving process.  A great way to honor your pet is by keeping them close to you through a hand-carved urn.  The Paw Print brass vase design is the highest quality and one of the featured urns this month.  These vases truly are a thing of beauty because old-world artisans from India carved them.  The gorgeous vase comes with a threaded screw-on top that makes it easy and safe to keep around.

This Paw Print, hand-carved vase is a beautiful and elegant way to remember your beloved pet.  Take a moment to check out this incredible pet urn that helps bring closure to a difficult situation.