Life After Pet Loss: How to Cope
Losing a pet is never easy. This pet has been part of your life for many years. He has even helped you through some of life’s worst situations. Now, your pet is gone, and you’re feeling as though you can’t go on.
Losing someone so close to you is difficult. You will need time to heal from this trauma. As you heal, remember that you are creating a new life now that he or she is gone. That life can include your pet, but of course, in a different way.
How a Pet Urn Can Help
A pet urn is something many people decide on because it keeps the remains of him or her with them. The crematorium will perform the cremation process and then give you the ashes. You pour the ashes into the urn to be able to preserve them for as long as possible.
You can place the urn wherever you would like it to be such as on a mantel, side table, or shelf. While you may not wake up every morning to feed your pet, you can still wake up every morning and speak to him or her.
No, do not have a problem because you are speaking to an urn of ashes. This is completely normal and you can do it much in the same way you would go to someone’s grave and speak to the person. Your pet’s remains are in that urn, and that body used to be rubbing up against you, so it makes perfect sense to speak to the urn.
Depending on your beliefs, you may feel as though your words are being delivered to wherever your pet is none. For many people, the loss of a pet has opened up a new world of spirituality for them. They begin to look for ways to understand life after death, so they have a better idea where or what has happened to their pet. Knowing that he or she is somewhere peaceful can be such a great way to copy with the loss of a pet.
Do What You Feel You Need to Do
Many people try to follow what they hear from their friends and family about how they should act or feel. They will try to hide their sadness. They will try to act happy when they really aren’t. They may try to be in denial about the death. All of these ways to cope will only make it worse.
The best way to cope with pet loss is to cope with it – head on. You must experience what it is to lose a pet fully. That means you may want to cry. You may want to yell. Whatever you need to do to help you relieve the pain inside of you, you should do. Don’t allow other people to tell you how you should act, especially when they are not feeling the way you are at this time.
Time Will Help
Give yourself time to get used to life without your pet. You won’t bounce back the next day, the next week or maybe not even the next month. Just be patient, and soon you will realize that you’re feeling better and glad that you did have your pet in your life, even though it wasn’t forever.