Helping a Friend Mourn a Loss
You may be prepared for the loss of your own pet, but what about your friends and family? Do they have a plan in place? Often times, when faced with the impending death of a loved one, people forget to ask some of the questions that should seem obvious: Will the pet be buried or cremated? How will we tell the kids? Will we hold a service? So, when a friend experiences a loss, there are plenty of ways you can help soften the blow and take care of some of the details for them. Some ideas for how you can help:
- Arrange a casual gathering to share memories of and stories about the family pet. Plan it at a comfortable place with familiar friends and good food.
- Create a photo album of pet photos as a gift for your friend. If you can make it a surprise, it might be even more special to them.
- Bring your friend a homemade meal on their first day without their pet to give them a day off. Offer to eat the meal with them–they may want company. (Or they may not! Always ask first.)
- Help them choose a way to commemorate their pet in a more permanent way with a memorial plaque or urn. Memorials for a Lifetime offers various options for the perfect gift. But, if you can’t decide which product is best, one safe bet is a Best Friends Services gift certificate.
No matter how you choose to help your friend mourn their loss, remember that being present and available to help is the best thing you can do. The rest will fall into place.