Attractive Pet Burial Markers for Special Pets
Your special pet has died – dog, cat, hamster, goldfish – you’re sad about it and you want to remember him or her with a burial marker. This is one of the most popular ways to commemorate the love we have for our friends who have passed away. Learn how you can purchase one that is perfect for your beloved pet.
Choosing and Creating the Memorial for Your Pet
Burial markers are one of the many products we recommend to our customers because they can be personalized. Most people will use them outside at the place where they have buried their pet. The burial markers are durable, so they are resistant to damage from the elements including rain, snow, sleet, freezing cold temperatures, and more.
Usually, people will bury their pet inside of a box, wrapped in a favorite blanket, or in something else that’s sentimental. Other people choose to bury their pet inside of an urn because they want to feel rest assured that their best friend is preserved in a secure container. The choice is yours on your pet’s final resting place, as much as the choice is yours in how you will make that spot special with a burial marker.
You have many choices when it comes to decorating the memorial. You can place flowers, special items your pet loved, and then your pet’s burial marker. Some people will place a bench near the memorial to be able to sit and speak to their beloved pet when they need that comfort only him or her can provide. When deciding how you should create your pet’s memorial, keep in mind what you would like to remember the most about your pet because that will help.
When It Comes Time for the Pet Burial Marker
Once the memorial is set up, you’ll likely envision a burial marker that will be perfect for the spot. You can then turn to us to help you get the one you need. What’s great about our burial markers is that they are made to last. You never have to worry about the personalization coming off of it or that it will end up withering away because of the abuse it receives from season to season. We are committed to providing you quality burial markers that will help you keep your beloved pet close to you.
Flat Burial Marker
Our Flat Burial Marker is made of 100% North American granite. The engraving can be whatever you choose and comes in diamond gold lettering. The stone has a polished finish to give it that glossy look that you’ll love to see when you walk up to your pet’s memorial.
Lasered Black Marker
If you’re looking for something a little different, consider the Lasered Black Marker. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you, it is possible to have your pet’s image lasered into this burial marker. It’s perfect for those of you who want to continue looking into the eyes of your beloved pet. The right-hand side provides enough room for a name, dates, and then a short message.
Allow us to help you choose the best burial market for your pet. We know this is a special purchase, and we’re happy to help you with it.
photo credit: Tarboro_5605 via photopin (license)