5 Ways to Remember Your Deceased Furry Friend
When your pet dies, it may seem like a part of you has died too. It’s not easy to lose your best friend. Unfortunately, nothing can bring your beloved pet back to life. The only thing you can do is hold on to those memories you have of spending time with your beloved pet. To help you with those memories, here are five ways you can remember your deceased furry friend.
#1: Make a Scrapbook
You probably have a lot of photos of you and your pet playing together. Gather some of the best ones and make a scrapbook. You can find all of the supplies you need at a craft store or a specialty store for scrapbooking. Have fun with it and as you complete each page remember those memories. You may even want to journal about them on the back of each page. That way you can always look back and read how much your pet means to you.
#2: Set Up a Memorial
Many pet owners will set up a memorial somewhere in their home or yard. This may include a headstone, plaque or a pet urn for those who chose cremation. Pet urns are perfect because you can bring your furry friend everywhere you go, even if you move from your current home. It’s also a display item, so he or she will have a prominent place in your home. Many pet urns allow you to have your pet’s picture on it and a name plaque. With so many designs, many people can find the one they believe works well with their home’s décor.
#3: Vehicle Window Decals
Many people will have decals created for their vehicle that includes the name, date of birth and death, and even a picture of their furry friend. This shows people that you have a hole in your heart where your pet used to be, and it gives you something to reflect on whenever you get in your vehicle.
#4: Wall Portrait
If you have a favorite picture of your fur baby, consider blowing it up for framing or have it painted. This can be something you can put on your wall forever and look up at when you need that special connection with your pet.
#5: Jewelry
Some people will have jewelry made to honor their pet. It may have a name, picture (if it’s a locket), or just a charm that reminds them of their pet. You may want to consider this if you would like to have your pet’s memory with you at all times. You can get a necklace, bracelet, earrings, or anklet.
Making a scrapbook, setting up a memorial, getting a vehicle window decal, a wall portrait or jewelry will help you cope with the loss of your pet. You don’t need to avoid memories because they are too painful. Embrace the times you did get to spend with your buddy, and cherish them. They are what has made your life the great one that it is, and even though your pet can’t be with you physically anymore, he or she will always be in your heart.