10 Pet Costumes We Love
Halloween is always a fun time for children, but it doesn’t mean your furry kids can’t have fun too. As you’ve probably already noticed in stores, there are many pet costumes available. There’s everything from vampires to hot dogs available for you to choose from. For the creative bunch out there, they have made their own costumes, and we simply love them. The following are some of the costumes that we’ve found online that make us smile.
We love this one because it’s simply a stuffed crocodile toy attached to the back of this beagle. We’re surprised the Beagle is tolerating it. It seems as though he is just playing along until it’s over.
How creatively cute is this one? How they made it is beyond us, but it’s too good not to post here. The pirate is helping his assistant with the treasure chest. Perfect!
Simple and funny! The look of this Chihuahua is awesome. She knows she’s a princess.
How many of you have thought about putting an orange juice container on your dog? It’s definitely creative.
You have to love fast food when you see these pups. They are even holding drinks, donuts, and trick or treat bags. Love it!
Look it’s the famous Target Dog. Well, maybe not, but you can be anything you want for Halloween.
You have to laugh when you see this – anyone want a drink?
Who said you can’t put a costume on your cat? This one is ready for some Mario Cart.
In this picture, he looks like he’s saying, “Please don’t eat me.”
Dressing up with your pooch is fun and makes the best costume pair. There’s nothing like some sushi and soy sauce – a perfect pair.
Halloween Safety for Pets
Halloween is a stressful time for dogs and cats. They have no idea why there are so many people walking in the streets and why the doorbell keeps ringing. Help your dogs and cats deal with all of the commotion by giving extra cuddles. If possible, keep your pets in an area where they won’t be bothered by the door bell ringing. Some pets do take medication to calm them during this time of year. Ask your vet about this possibility.
What Will Your Pet Be for Halloween?
Do you have any creative pet costumes to share? We would love to see them! Please go to our Facebook page and post your pet’s picture in the comments on our Halloween post.
You can also tell us about your pet’s costume in the comment below. The more ideas we put out there, the more people we will help find the perfect costume for their furry friend.